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✒️ Welcome to our 5th Newsletter!

✒️ Welcome to our 5th Newsletter!

🌠 Latest News

  • The “Women in Superconductivity” (WiS) Workshop will be held ad EUCAS 2023 to celebrate the powerful contributions of women in applied superconductivity and how they are shaping the field. Several remarkable scientists will share their stories and achievements, the challenges they faced, and the profound impact they are making in their areas of expertise. WiS aims to inspire, encourage, and empower female scientists and engineers which will lead us into a more inclusive and welcoming environment. Registration is required for attending the WiS Workshop, Register here!
    • Chairs: Anna Kario, University of Twente, the Netherlands and Sanja Milosevic Govedarovic, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Serbia To ensure an engaging experience.
  • The “2nd Hi-Scale Training School” organized at Fethiye Lykia World Hotel from April 29th to May 3rd was a real success! The school was led by local organiser of Dr. Canan Aksoy from Karadeniz Technical University and Dr. Ezgi Taylan Koparan from Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Dr. Serap Safran and Prof Ali Gencer from Ankara University. The event brought together 34 master’s and doctoral students, as well as young researchers, from 12 different countries, who were selected by the Hi-Scale School Committee. In the training school, 8 instructors Tetiana Prikhna, Roland Willa, Milorad Milosevic, Hocine Menana, Susannah Speller, Ziad Melhem, Loïc Quéval, and Peter Abrell participated from WG1, WG2, WG3, and WG4 groups. During the half-day break, a cultural trip was organized to the “Kayaköy and Saklıkent” regions. Additionally, students who attended the working group meetings after the school had the opportunity to meet and network with scientists attending the ICSM 2023 conference. According to the post-school survey results, the participating students had a highly productive experience both socially and scientificly. For those interested in the lessons conducted during the school, click here for the Google Drive link.

  • We are also pleased to share another paper about vortex counting and velocimetry at slitted superconducting thin strips:
    • V. M. Bevz, M.Yu. Mikhailov, B. Budinská, S. Lamb-Camarena, S. O. Shpilinska, A. V. Chumak, M. Urbánek, M. Arndt, W. Lang, O. V. Dobrovolskiy, Vortex counting and velocimetry at slitted superconducting thin strips. Phys. Rev. Applied, 19, 034098 (2023)
  • WG2 held the first edition of the 30-min Hackathon! The participants delivered a great presentations about what they do, what they are looking for followed by some great feedback!Here are our protagonists:
    • A novel cooperative framework based on OPENSC2 (Daniele Placido, PoliTo): OPENSC2 is an open-source numerical tool for modeling superconducting cables using Python. It supports 1D mesoscale modeling from thermal-hydraulic and electromagnetic perspectives, accommodating various conductor configurations. The development follows a Test Driven Development approach, and feedback, suggestions, and bug testing from users are encouraged.
    • HTS Bulk Magnetization Model for Electrical Machine Design (Francisco Silva, Uni Lisboa): This research proposes an equivalent HTS bulk magnetization model to estimate the trapped magnetic field inside HTS bulks. The model is to be used in stationary FEA, allowing for fast simulations and accurate preliminary optimization of the machine’s geometry. It can also predict the applied external magnetic field necessary to completely magnetize the HTS bulk.

✈️ Workshops and Conferences

There are plenty of workshops and conferences coming up, have you registered?

  • Europe: In Italy, EUCAS 2023 is a notable event marking 30 years since the inaugural conference. It is a premier platform for sharing advancements in Applied Superconductivity, covering various areas. Taking place in Bologna, Italy, it provides an ideal setting for meaningful discussions and networking opportunities. In France, MT28 foster the exchange of magnet-related technology and design techniques. They promote new applications, encourage collaboration between research and industry, and inspire careers in magnets. The 2023 conference focuses on magnets in Fusion, High Energy Physics, Power Engineering, and Medical Diagnosis. It includes an industrial exhibition, a student program, and discussions on future challenges and directions in superconducting magnets.

💻 Job Openings

Another mission of the COST action is to facilitate the penetration in the job market of researchers and experts in the field of superconductivity. Find your next job in the Job Openings Section of out website!

👩‍🔬 Personal Stories

Meet some members of WG3, Dr. Tara Benkel, Prof. Antonio Morandi (our COST Action Co-chair!) and Dr. Markus Bauer (leader of WG3).

Curious to know what got them into superconductivity? What is their biggest achievement? Why did they join this COST Action? Read more at this link! Would you like to tell your story? Are you a Young Professional with an inspiring story to spread? Contact us at!

🕴️ Supercuriosity #4

There are currently 33 nuclear fusion startups in the world, and all in countries with a heritage in international fusion research. The US and UK lead, home to five and four fusion startups respectively, with a further three in Germany, and one each in Japan, Canada, France and Australia. Fusion reactors come in a number of different flavours, but our favourite is certainly the “traditional” magnetic confinement. The combined funding for Fusion Startup is – as of today $ 3.3 billion and proposes concept ranging from Tokamaks to Stellarators. Europe is cradle of a few startups among which Renaissance Fusion, Proxima Fusion and Tokamak Energy.

Who will win the race?

List of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices around the world

See More

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Over the course of the Action, three training schools were held, one each year starting from the second year of Hi-SCALE. These materials cover a range of topics related to the working groups of Hi-SCALE, providing valuable resources for researchers, engineers, and students alike. Explore and download the training school materials to deepen your understanding...
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Explore this dynamic resource dedicated to the latest advancements in high-temperature superconductivity (HTS) and its role in transforming the energy sector. This evolving e-book provides up-to-date information, research findings, and applications of HTS technologies that contribute to a sustainable and efficient energy future. This collection is intended for readers who might not have the technical...
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Superconducting Engineering – A Manual for Teachers: offers a comprehensive collection of laboratory assignments and exercises tailored for educators (soon available). A series of instructional videos demonstrating key experiments in superconductivity and providing valuable visual aids for hands-on learning.