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✒️ Welcome to our 3rd Newsletter!

✒️ Welcome to our 3rd Newsletter!

🌠 Latest News

  • The 8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM) will be held in Muğla, Turkey, from 4 to 11 May 2023. The event is focused on superconductivity, magnetism, magnetic materials, quantum science and technologies, and related technologies (
    The conference will be preceded by the 2nd Training School of the Hi-SCALE COST Action (soon to be announced). Finally, the meetings of the Management Committee and Working Groups of Hi-SCALE will take place during the conference.
  • Dr. Harold Ruiz (WG1 leader) and his coworkers have predicted the maximum limit for the ultra-high critical current densities that could be attained by d-wave superconductors with critical temperatures close to 100 K. We congratulate their achievement and look forward for their predictions in superconductors with other underlying paring mechanisms which could lead to their further engineering application.
  • The Silesian University of Technology hosted the first of three Training Schools as part of the COST Action on October 10-14. The one-week intensive course had almost 30 participants from universities and enterprises across Europe and was led by 12 experts in the field of superconductivity. The school was divided into the four WGs and included lectures, workshops, laboratory visits, and online lectures. The event was deemed a great success for scientific advancement and building cooperation networks among young scientists, with the next training school planned for April 2023 in Turkey.
  • Open Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) (Grant Period: 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2023). STSM are exchange visits between researchers involved in the COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member state. The minimum duration for an STSM is 5 days including traveling. STSMs for this grant period must end prior to 30th October 2023.
  • Great opportunity to Publish: The “Superconductor Science and Technology (SuST)” journal is hosting a special focus issue on “Cryo-Electrification of Aviation and Other Transportation Applications”. It is dedicated to the advanced superconducting, cryogenics, and related solutions to accomplish zero-emission aviation and other electric transportation systems, to address the challenges and barriers in propulsion system, powertrain, power system, and reliability of future electric transportation.
  • The manuscript submission deadline is 1st June 2023.
  • For more information please visit this link.

✈️ Workshops and Conferences

There are plenty of workshops and conferences coming up, have you registered?

  • Calls for technical contributions for EUCAS 2023 and MT28 were launched in December and the deadline for submissions are February 24th (EUCAS) and February 20th (MT) 2023!
  • Europe: The 2023 International Particle Accelerator Conference will be held between May 7 – May 12 in Venice (Italy). IPAC is the main international event for the worldwide particle accelerator field and industry (

USA: The 2023 Coated Conductor for Application Workshop will be held between April 3 – Apr 6 in Houston (Texas)! The 2023 CCA strives to unite researchers working on all aspects of coated conductors — materials, testing, devices, and applications — in a stimulating environment to soon realize the enormous societal impact that was predicted with the discovery of YBCO back in 1987 (

💻 Job Openings

Another mission of the COST action is to facilitate the penetration in the job market of researchers and experts in the field of superconductivity. Find your next job in the Job Openings Section of out website!

👩‍🔬 Personal Stories

Meet some members of WG2, Nicolo Riva (leader of WG2, Improved modelling and advanced computation), Dr. Tiina Salmi, and Dr. Mohammad Yazdani-Asrami.

Curious to know what got them into superconductivity? What is their biggest achievement? Why did they join this COST Action? Read more at this link! Would you like to tell your story? Are you a Young Professional with an inspiring story to spread? Contact us at!

🕴️ Supercuriosity #3

Is there a connection between a Chinese tale, an Edgar Allan Poe story and superconductors? Sven Ortoli and Jean Klein, authors of the book “Histoire et légendes de la supraconduction” (history and legends of superconductors), have inserted a short tale between each chapter of this book devoted to the history of superconduction. Inspired by Conrad, Gogol, Borges and others, such stories are based on the main physical idea of the chapter that precedes them. The history of superconduction is thus joined by its “legends”. One of the most beautiful phenomena of contemporary physics was worth an original description.

[1] Histoire et legendes de la supraconduction (French Edition)ISBN-13: 9782702117422, ISBN-10: 2702117422

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🌠 Latest News ✈️ Workshops and Conferences There are plenty of workshops and conferences coming up, have you registered? 💻 Job Openings Another mission of the COST action is to facilitate the penetration in the job market of researchers and experts in the field of superconductivity. Find your next job in the Job Openings Section...
✈️ Women in Superconductivity The “Women in Superconductivity” (WiS) Workshop will be held ad EUCAS 2023 to celebrate the powerful contributions of women in applied superconductivity and how they are shaping the field. Several remarkable scientists will share their stories and achievements, the challenges they faced, and the profound impact they are making in their...
🌠 Latest News ✈️ Workshops and Conferences 💻 Job Openings Another mission of the COST action is to facilitate the penetration in the job market of researchers and experts in the field of superconductivity. Find your next job in the Job Openings Section of out website! 👩‍🔬 Personal Stories Meet some members of the WG1,...