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WG3: Industrial challenges and applications

WG3: Industrial challenges and applications
There are increasing needs for technical progress in the electric power grid, transportation and industry for facing the Energy Transition. Larger exploitation of renewable energy sources and the shift to carbon-free electric mobility are mandatory.

There are increasing needs for technical progress in the electric power grid, transportation and industry for facing the Energy Transition. Larger exploitation of renewable energy sources and the shift to carbon-free electric mobility are mandatory. The development of HTS energy technology involves the exploitation of a wide range of knowledge and ability.

Modelling, design/optimisation, and simulation abilities are essential for conceiving and evaluating the effectiveness and competitiveness of HTS solutions. The ability to assess costs and benefits and to elaborate sound business cases aimed at the final users is also required. Alignment with regulatory and qualification aspects, which requires strict interaction with organisms formulating standards, guidelines or recommended practices, also needs to be duly considered.

Contact person: Dr Markus Bauer (